矩阵回归-杨健 (南京理工大学计算机科学与工程学院)


主  题:Matrix Regression: A 2D Model for Robust Image Representation

内容简介: We first outline the existing regression methods and their applications to face recognition. Then, we present the concept of matrix regression, which uses nuclear norm to characterize the representation error in a 2D matrix form. The ADMM algorithm and its fast version are developed for solving the matrix regression problem. We further analyze the optimality of using nuclear norm for error characterization. We also discuss some extensions of matrix regression model and their applications to face recognition.

报告人:杨健    杰青        多个国际一流SCI源学术期刊编委

时  间: 2016-02-26    15:30

地  点:致明楼诚信厅


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