空气污染溢出有多大?中国制造业生产率的应用-张鹏 (香港理工大学)


主  题: How Extensive are Air Pollution Spillovers? An Application to China’s Manufacturing Productivity
内容简介: The extent of trans-boundary pollution spillovers relative to local effects is a key input in evaluating the relative efficiency of centralized and decentralized environmental policies. Although the existence of air pollution spillovers has been documented, the relative size of local and spillover effects has not. We estimate the trans-boundary effects of particulate matter less than 10 micrograms in diameter (PM10) on short-run manufacturing labor productivity in China for a large firm-level panel data set from 2001 to 2007. We find that a one μg/m3 increase in PM10 locally reduces manufacturing output by CNY 3,531 (0.23%) and an increase at 50 kilometers by CNY 1,927 (0.13%). The spillover declines rapidly and smoothly to CNY 836 (0.05%) at 400 kilometers after which it declines slowly to plateau at about CNY 270 (0.02%) beyond 1,000 kilometers. These are substantial spillovers that extend quite far and suggest that environmental policies need to be coordinated over large areas (roughly the size of many Chinese provinces).
报告人: 张鹏     博士
时  间: 2019-04-23    14:00
地  点: 位育楼117
举办单位: 金融学院  科研部  经济与金融研究院

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