Simultaneous Registration and Modelling for Multi-dimensional Functional Data-史建清 (Newcastle大学)


主  题: Simultaneous Registration and Modelling for Multi-dimensional Functional Data

内容简介: The clustering and classification for functional data with misaligned problems has drawn much attention in the last decade. Most methods do the clustering/classification after those functional data being registered and there has been little research using both functional and scalar variables. In this talk, I will discuss a new approach allowing the use of both types of variables and also allowing simultaneous registration and clustering/classification. Numerical results based on both simulated data and real data will be presented.
报告人: 史建清      教授    博导

时  间: 2018-04-03    15:00

地  点: 竞慧东楼302

举办单位: 统计与数学学院  统计科学与大数据研究院

南京审计大学版权所有 苏ICP备05007120号-4


